Support Efficient, Sustainable, Clean & Safe Wind Energy - Now!
Save the Planet...AND LBI
(Long Beach Island, New Jersey that is)
Don't Believe the Hype -> "Move Them In" NOT Out
Ok don't actually move them closer, BUT what likely started as an act of misguided self interest has now become a ploy against renewable energy. We are also for responsible wind energy and will remain unbiased towards the wind companies.
Ten Quick Facts
There is no evidence that whales have been or will be harmed by offshore wind farm exploration and operation.
Offshore wind farms have been shown to double both biodiversity and biodensity.
Wind turbines are being built and assembled in NJ - creating jobs right now and the future for a sustainable economy.
There is no evidence that wind turbines negatively affect property values. Ecotourism can boost them.
U.S. bird deaths: pet cats cause >10,000 times more bird deaths than wind turbines.
Currently planned wind turbines at Ocean Wind 1 are at their closest 15 miles from shoreline. They will hardly be able to be seen and certainly will not be heard.
85-95% of wind turbine material to be recycled at end of useful life. None of New Jersey's decommissioned wind farm blades will be sent to a landfill.
Offshore wind farms are more efficient than onshore due to higher wind speeds with greater consistency. Even a calm breeze produces energy.
Wind farms produce more energy then expended to manufacture within a year of normal operation and about 6-10 years for return of the full investment cost.
All forms of energy production have receive government financial incentives. On an annual basis, fossil fuels and nuclear over 10X versus renewable.
Increase Your Awareness
Read and follow the science in our Links & Dispelling Myths section. Don't follow the propaganda
So what will it look like?
Visual representation of first project Ocean Wind 1. A little different than the photoshopped scare tactics from the anti-wind farm "Move Them Out" campaigns. Do you really think people will stop coming to the beautiful Jersey shore with these? We should be proud of them and people will want to visit them in support.
Advantages of Offshore Wind Energy
Offshore wind is stronger, blows with greater consistency and is less turbulent than onshore wind, thus generating more power with more reliability.
One rotation of an offshore wind turbine generates enough electricity to power a typical home for approximately one day.
Energy independence - relying less on fossil fuels means reducing our dependence on foreign oil imports while strengthening national security by diversifying our energy sources domestically through renewable options like offshore wind power.
Wind is a virtually inexhaustible resource and produces no carbon emissions while generating energy.
Wind does not "turn off" at night.
Wind energy is more efficient than solar - 45% versus 20%. But wind and solar should both be part of a balanced sustainable energy economy.
Offshore wind has less local environmental impact than onshore. In fact offshore wind farms has been shown to increase biodiversity and biodensity.
Ocean transport makes construction of larger and more powerful wind farms possible versus transport over land.
Ocean placement of large wind farms can be more effective at avoiding economical impacts (such as shipping channels and fishing areas) and ecologically sensitive areas.
Over half the U.S. population is located close enough to the coastline to take advantage of efficient windfarm energy generation.
Offshore wind farms have much less visual impact than onshore and cannot be heard at all.
Every single offshore wind turbine removes the carbon footprint equivalent to 220,500 cars. Ocean Wind 1 with 98 turbines planned equals 21.6 million cars removed from the roads.
Read about the campaigns against offshore wind farms right from the source, then decide for yourself
What appears to have started as a misguided attempt at preserving self interests, is now full of inaccuracies and scare tactics.
OK actually just reading their fact sheet should be all you need to understand how inaccurate and conjecture based the campaign is.
What looks better to you?
Fossil Fuel Energy
Offshore Wind Energy
Facts about recent whale deaths
The NOAA states there are no known links between offshore wind farm exploration and large mammal deaths.
Almost all humpback deaths in 2023 have clear signs of vessel strikes or fishing gear entanglement.
New York and New Jersey port traffic has increased 27% since 2019. Port of NY/NJ is now the busiest port in the U.S. and Philadelphia the fastest growing.
Wind farm sonar surveys typically use high frequency, low noise and narrow beam width equipment that is difficult for whales to hear.
High intensity and low frequency sonar systems used for military tactical purposes and by the Oil & Gas industry have been shown to be damaging to whales. Oil & Gas exploration use large arrays of powerful air pulse guns that need to penetrate miles below seafloor.
Whale deaths along the U.S. East Coast from Florida to Maine have seen high numbers since 2016 as tracked by the NOAA's Unusual Mammal Mortality Event, State & Years 2016 thru 2023:
Massachusetts: 3 / 7 / 4 / 4 / 10 / 4 / 3 / 5 | Total: 40
Rhode Island: 2 / 3 / 0 / 1 / 0 / 0 / 3 / 1 | Total: 10
New York: 4 / 5 / 8 / 5 / 9 / 1 / 2 / 6 | Total: 40
New Jersey: 3 / 3 / 2 / 5 / 4 / 0 / 4 / 7 | Total: 28
Virginia: 2 / 7 / 4 / 6 / 4 / 1 / 1 / 6 | Total: 31
North Carolina: 4 / 6 / 2 / 4 / 3 / 3 / 4 / 1 | Total: 27
TOTAL (East Coast) - 26 / 34 / 26 / 27 / 33 / 10 / 19 / 27 | 202
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